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Organization of CMOS Memory - Clock

00h-0Eh is defined by the clock hardware and all must follow it. Other
manufacturers generally follow the same format as specified for the
region 10h - 2Fh. Some also follow the IBM format for 30h-33h but not all
(Zenith in particular is different).

The first fourteen bytes are dedicated to the MC146818 chip clock functions
and consist of ten read/write data registers and four status registers, two
of which are read/write and two of which are read only.

The format of the ten clock data registers (bytes 00h-09h) is:

 00h Seconds       (BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B) Note: Bit 7 is read only
 01h Second Alarm  (BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B)
 02h Minutes       (BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B))
 03h Minute Alarm  (BCD 00-59, Hex 00-3B)
 04h Hours         (BCD 00-23, Hex 00-17 if 24 hr mode)
                   (BCD 01-12, Hex 01-0C if 12 hr am)
                   (BCD 81-92. Hex 81-8C if 12 hr pm)
 05h Hour Alarm    (same as hours)
 06h Day of Week   (01-07 Sunday=1)
 07h Date of Month (BCD 01-31, Hex 01-1F)
 08h Month         (BCD 01-12, Hex 01-0C)
 09h Year          (BCD 00-99, Hex 00-63)

BCD/Hex selection depends on Bit 2 of register B (0Bh)
12/24 Hr selection depends on Bit 1 of register B (0Bh)
Alarm will trigger when contents of all three Alarm byte registers
match their companions.

The following is the on-chip status register information.

 0Ah Status Register A (read/write) (usu 26h)
  Bit 7     - (1) time update cycle in progress, data ouputs undefined
              (bit 7 is read only)
  Bit 6,5,4 - 22 stage divider. 010b - 32.768 Khz time base (default)
  Bit 3-0   - Rate selection bits for interrupt.
              0000b - none
              0011b - 122 microseconds (minimum)
              1111b - 500 milliseconds
              0110b - 976.562 microseconds (default)

 0Bh Status Register B (read/write)
  Bit 7 - 1 enables cycle update, 0 disables
  Bit 6 - 1 enables periodic interrupt
  Bit 5 - 1 enables alarm interrupt
  Bit 4 - 1 enables update-ended interrupt
  Bit 3 - 1 enables square wave output
  Bit 2 - Data Mode - 0: BCD, 1: Binary
  Bit 1 - 24/12 hour selection - 1 enables 24 hour mode
  Bit 0 - Daylight Savings Enable - 1 enables

 0Ch Status Register C (Read only)
  Bit 7 - Interrupt request flag - 1 when any or all of bits 6-4 are
          1 and appropriate enables (Register B) are set to 1. Generates
          IRQ 8 when triggered.
  Bit 6 - Periodic Interrupt flag
  Bit 5 - Alarm Interrupt flag
  Bit 4 - Update-Ended Interrupt Flag
  Bit 3-0 ???

 0Dh Status Register D (read only)
  Bit 7 - Valid RAM - 1 indicates batery power good, 0 if dead or
  Bit 6-0 ???

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